Its a cloudy Saturday and I'm sitting in my usual cafe drinking my morning coffee, writing this short post on my newly upgraded Ubuntu desktop! Ubuntu 23.10 codename 'Mantic Minotaur'.
I upgraded first thing this morning with out a hitch. I would have upgraded on release day, but sadly the Ubuntu installer was compromised by a community contributor with Ukrainian translations submitted to a public third party online service, that the Ubuntu installer uses. So the Ubuntu team removed the release from their site and disabled downloads for the new release.
As of writing this the downloadable images are still disabled, but from this morning it seems you can upgrade from a previous version.
It's sad to see this happening to Ubuntu or any Open Source project for that matter, I'm glad it was picked up quickly, but I wonder as Open Source has exploded into the mainstream over the years this will become more frequent.
=> Read the Mantic Minotaur release notes here [HTML]
=> Read more about the malicious translation incident here [HTML]