I'm still decluttering the house to ready it for sale, I have done quite a bit but there is still so much to do.
I've read and watched tutorials, been given advice but all these are designed around linear thinking, not
tangent thinking as I like to call it, where your brain doesn't follow a step by step plan but tends to follow a path of many angles!The difficulties of decluttering 'basically getting rid of everything'. firstly there is the issue of discarding memories, this is hard but becomes easier over time and with the right mindset understanding memories are not material things, memories are what you hold inside.
The second issues is organising the decluttering of things. For some this is a straight forward step 1,2,3 and so on, but for me and maybe others like me, it is extremely difficult because as said earlier we don't think linear.
(We don't write linear sometimes too! I have rearranged this article a few times and it will never be in the right order for some people I guess).
So what to do?
Well, I don't really know and really, I don't think anyone knows because it is a mystery of the mind and the mind is very unique.
What do I do?
I fumble about, I stand around, I walk away, I drink coffee, I sit down and write things like this and somehow It kind of get done, or at lease semi done maybe?
It's nowhere near perfect and I do question if it is anything at all.
I mean decluttering is downsizing and removing the clutter. Not removing the clutter into alternate piles or just moving it to offsite storage and pretending it doesn't exist. Or maybe throwing it in a big rubbish bin which is not very environmental friendly.
None of these examples are good but sometimes they work for the slightly altered mind. What often does happen, is the shit hits the fan, you run out of time and you purge it all and have forever regrets sadly.
I really don't know where this article is going, definitely off on a tangent I can be sure of that, but not really a solution. I'm not writing a tutorial on how to declutter your home as I would be the worst person to do that.
I guess this is just a mind dump of my own confusion.
Time for another coffee I think!